Grant Information

Restrictions: Grants will be made only to tax-exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation will not contribute to:

  • Individuals.
  • Political organizations or causes.
  • Churches or other organizations for the support of religious activities.
  • Organizations that limit membership or participation by race, color, creed, or national origin, or that practice illegal discrimination.

Criteria: Proposals are evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Consistency with the mission and focus of the Foundation.
  • Purpose and impact of the proposed request.
  • Involvement of volunteers and contributions of others.
  • Responsibility and accountability of sponsoring organization.

Proposals: Each request for a grant from the Foundation should include:

  • The purposes and objectives of the organization.
  • The organization’s officers, directors and staff.
  • A copy of the letter from the Internal Revenue Service determining tax-exempt status.
  • A current operating budget for the organization.
  • The program or project to be funded.
  • How the program or project addresses needs of the community and how its success will be measured.
  • A proposed project budget.
  • The amount of support requested and dates payment is needed.
  • The specific expenditures to be made of funds granted by the Foundation.
  • Other sources of support for the project, including amounts received, committed or requested from each source.

To Submit a Proposal: Grant requests must be submitted electronically through this web site. The accompanying form for submitting minimum required information must be completed. Additional information may be submitted by uploading or attachment. Each conforming request received by the Foundation will be reviewed by the Board. Its regularly scheduled meetings are in March, June, September, and December of each year. Requests should be submitted before the first day of the month in which a meeting is to take place. A representative of the applicant may be asked to attend the meeting, but such attendance is ordinarily not expected. The Board’s decisions are promptly communicated following each meeting.

The Board requires a report from each grant recipient, detailing the outcomes of the project and the specific expenditures of funds granted by the Foundation.

A list of grants made by the Foundation in 2020 may be examined here:  Approved grants 2020

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